Untethered & Wanderwise: Female Travel Over 45

Smart Snacking at 34,000 Feet

Nicky Omohundro & Heide Brandes

Heide and Nicky tackle smart snacking strategies for those long plane flights to help you keep healthy, hydrated and not bloated or gassy.  Topics include best snacks to pack, what's allowed through TSA and why you should really pass on the booze (mostly) on flights.

 Welcome to Untethered and Wanderwise, where adventure has no age limit. We're your co host Heide Brandes and Nicky Omohundro, and we're here to inspire and celebrate women over 45 who are embracing their independence and want to explore the world on their own terms. 

 So welcome to Untethered and Wanderwise, your guide to savvy travel after 45. I'm Nikki Omohundro. 

And I'm Heide Brandes. Today we're diving into airplane food and smart snacking strategies for long flights  because nobody wants to arrive at their destination feeling bloated and sluggish or hungry because you couldn't eat anything they served.  You know, Nikki, I just got back from that trip to Turkey and let me tell you, having the right snacks made such a difference during those 17 hours of flying. 

Oh, I bet. And with our metabolism changing as we get older, we really need to be strategic about what we eat during travel. Should we start with what's actually allowed through TSA these days? 


Okay. Well, ladies, here's the golden rule. Solid foods are generally allowed through security, but liquids and anything with a consistency of something that's spreadable needs to follow the 3 1 1 rule. 

Well, can you break down that 3 1 1 rule for our listeners, Nicky?

Of course, it means all liquids must be in 3. 4 ounce containers or smaller. They must fit in one quart sized clear plastic or silicone bag, and each passenger is allowed just one of those bags. This includes things like yogurt, hummus, nut butters, they all count as liquids.

Yeah, I learned that the hard way with my favorite almond butter. I was going through and I had a little jar of it.  They took it. So now let's talk about what foods actually work well on an airplane.

Okay, well, first let's consider what happens to our bodies during flight. The cabin pressure, dry air, and sitting for long periods can affect digestion and make us feel more bloated than usual.

Exactly. And I'm really prone to bloating and gas and severe constipation when I fly. It's just the way my digestion works. So that's why I always pack foods. that are one low in sodium to prevent extra swelling  and fiber to help keep that digestion regular. I like high protein snacks to maintain energy. I like snacks that are easy to pack and won't get crushed or turn into just crumbs.  and especially food that won't smell up the whole cabin. 

Yeah, please, no tuna sandwiches or hard boiled eggs on a flight. I can't even imagine after An hour, much less 17. So now let's share our favorite TSA approved snacks that tick all of these boxes. You just mentioned.

Okay, I'll start. My go to snacks include fresh cut vegetables. , think carrot sticks, little cucumber slices, cherry tomatoes, and keep those in a hard container so they don't get bruised up and mushy. , little bags of popcorn. I'm a huge fan of popcorn and popcorn is actually really high in fiber as well.  , I like unsalted mixed nuts.  Apple slices are always a really good idea. Dried fruit without added sugar. And pumpkin seeds. A lot of people really like sunflower seeds, but I'm not a big fan of crunching through the shell, but I really like pumpkin seeds. 

Yeah. One of my favorite things is cashews.  And so I also love bringing grapes.  They're hydrating and they're really satisfying and they're easy to eat mini bell peppers. You know, you get a little bit of veg in there, very easy to eat granola bars without chocolate coating or chocolate chips because inevitably those chocolate pieces melt all over your hands. 

Whole grain sandwiches with lean protein, and then usually I will eat that first because I know it's not going to last for a long flight. Rice cakes, I really like some of these, , white cheddar rice cakes that are out there and a salted caramel one that's really good too.  And then there's always plain popcorn.

Just like you mentioned before. 

Yeah, and don't forget about keeping hydrated. Even though we can't bring water through security, I always pack, , one, a refillable bottle so I can fill it up after security.  I like herbal tea.  So you can bring those little bags and have them soaking in your water bottle.  And I am a huge, huge proponent of those powdered electrolyte packets.

I'm addicted to those. And they really, really help you feel more energetic and hydrated during long flights. 


Yeah. One thing too about the electrolyte packs. It's it helps jet lag.


I know we've talked about that on the podcast before and electrolyte packets are great for helping with that. So let's talk about timing because when we eat is just as important as what we eat during long flights. 

absolutely. I try to eat according to my destination's time zone. It helps  with jet lag, but also my digestion and my digestive problems. 

And it's better to eat smaller portions more frequently rather than one large meal, right?

Yeah, I usually pack my snacks in little portion controlled containers and I try to eat something small every say three to four hours. Helps keep my blood sugar stable and prevents that awful jet lag hunger. 

Now, what about airline meals? Should we skip them entirely?

Not necessarily. I actually really, really like airline meals, but you have to be selective. So I usually look for the options that have more vegetables in them. Uh, the lean protein, like the chicken, they usually have a chicken dish.   Of less sauce or heavy seasonings, because that can upset your stomach or make you gassy.  no heavy starches. I usually pass my roll on to my seat neighbor or my friend who's traveling with me, or I simply just don't eat it. 

Yeah, I'm usually the one that eats everyone's rolls. I absolutely love that. Especially with butter. Actually, I think I like a little bit of bread with all of my butter.

Oh, well, fair enough. Fair enough. 

Yeah, I can't give up carbs. I enjoy them way too much. So let's talk about what we should avoid during flights. Ladies, I know some of these might be tempting, but try and stay away from carbonated drinks.

They really can expand your digestive system, especially at altitude, and make you really gassy. I know I've had it to where,  I just feel so bloated and it's actually quite painful.

Oh, yeah.

Salty snacks like chips and pretzels. And we talked a little bit about avoiding salty food for water retention and swelling,  heavy, greasy foods, because that just kind of weighs on your stomach, excessive sugar and alcohol as much as I'd like to have a glass of wine with dinner on a long flight, alcohol actually dehydrates you even more than normal. 

If you were at altitude.

That's true, and it's hard to pass up, especially on those international flights, the free wine and beer and, and Liquor that they give out.  I think you can compromise though. I don't mind having a glass of white wine with the airplane meal, but I'm not going to have three or four or five just because they're free. Because. Being jet lagged  hungover is about the worst thing ever.  But let's also discuss food safety because nobody wants food poisoning at 35, 000 feet.

No goodness. No. So here's some key tips to avoid food poisoning. Use ice packs that are frozen solid. Many people don't realize that these are actually allowed through TSA. They just have to be solid and not in any type of a mushy consistency. Pack your perishables in insulated containers.

Always eat your perishable items first within two hours. If they're not refrigerated. And bring hand sanitizer or sanitizing wipes for your tray table. Cause that thing is disgusting.

Yeah, and  special diets? Many of our listeners follow specific eating plans. 

Yes, so if you're on a special diet, whether it's gluten free, diabetic friendly, low sodium, always pack extra snacks. Don't rely on the airline having appropriate options.

Yeah, and remember you can request a special meal at least 24 hours before your flight if you plan to eat the airline food. 

And one last tip. Pack all your snacks in clear, reusable containers and bags. It makes going through security much easier when they can clearly see what's inside. 

And don't forget to pack a few extra snacks in case of delays if you're stuck in an airport for two hours.

Yeah, that's a great point. Well, ladies, I think we've covered everything from TSA rules to smart snacking strategies. Remember good nutrition during your flight. Sets you up for a better trip overall. 

And we'd love to hear your travel snack suggestions. Share them with us on our Instagram page at Untethered Wanderwise  or  up on Facebook at Untethered and Wanderwise. 

 So ladies, that's all for today's episode. Until next week, keep traveling, stay nourished, and remember, age is just a number when it comes to exploring the world. 

 Be sure to like, follow, and subscribe wherever you get your podcast fix. Check us out on Instagram at untetheredwonderwise,  that's no and, for even more travel inspiration and tips. Until next time, happy travels. 

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