Untethered & Wanderwise: Female Travel Over 45

The Natural Joy of Hiking for Women

Nicky Omohundro & Heide Brandes Season 1

There's something uniquely empowering about lacing up your hiking boots and hitting the trail as a woman. With each step into the wilderness, you're not only traversing paths, you're discovering a profound sense of freedom and self reliance that few other activities can match.
Heide and Nicky explore the joys of hiking in today's episode, share their best tips to get started and laugh about the adventures on the trail.

# The Joy of Hiking - Untethered and Wanderwise Podcast

There's something uniquely empowering about lacing up your hiking boots and hitting the trail as a woman. With each step into the wilderness, you're not only traversing paths, you're discovering a profound sense of freedom and self-reliance that few other activities can match.

Welcome to Untethered and Wanderwise, where adventure has no age limit. We're your co-hosts Heide Brandes and Nicky Omohundro and we're here to inspire and celebrate women over 45 who are embracing their independence and want to explore the world on their own terms.

The joy of hiking begins with that first deep breath of crisp mountain air. As you shoulder your pack and take those initial steps, the daily stresses of life begin to melt away. The rhythmic crunch of gravel or soft pine needles beneath your feet becomes a meditation, your own personal soundtrack to adventure.

For many women, hiking offers a rare opportunity to fully occupy physical space. Without judgment or expectation on the trail, your body becomes a powerful tool rather than an aesthetic object. Your legs aren't just legs, they're strong pillars carrying you up mountainsides. Your arms aren't just arms, they're capable tools helping you balance across streams and scramble over rocks.

The trail community holds a special magic, too. There's an unspoken sisterhood among women hikers. Whether you're exchanging knowing smiles as you pass on the trail, or sharing trail mix at a scenic overlook, more experienced hikers often become natural mentors, passing down their wisdom about everything from gear selection to navigation skills.

**Heide**: Hi, I'm Heide Brandes.

**Nicky**: And I'm Nicky Omohundro.

**Heide**: And on this week's episode of Untethered and Wanderwise, we're talking about the joy of hiking. This is something both Nicky and I love to do. We hold it dear to our heart, and nature itself seems to speak differently to women on the trail. Perhaps it's because we have historically been taught to be so aware of our surroundings.

Many women hikers report experiencing the wilderness with heightened sensitivity, noticing those subtle changes in bird songs, the delicate unfurling of new leaves, the shifting patterns of sunlight through the canopy.

Now, for me, a sense of accomplishment comes with completing a challenging hike that's simply unparalleled by anything else. Being at a summit, being eye level with birds flying, or reaching a hidden waterfall, I'm reminded that my body and mind are capable of extraordinary things. These moments of triumph belong solely to you, through your own determination, strength, and perseverance.

**Nicky**: And you know, hiking also offers a unique form of solitude that I find I enjoy. I've done a lot of solo hikes, and they can be therapeutic. You're away from the constant demands of work and family life. And the trail provides a sacred space almost for reflection and self-discovery. It's where many women, including myself, report finding my clearest thoughts and strongest intuitions.

**Heide**: Nicky, it's funny you should say that. The Japanese have a term for it. It's called tree washing.

**Nicky**: Tree washing. I've heard of forest bathing, but not necessarily tree washing. What's tree washing?

**Heide**: Very similar. It's simply when you're out among a forest or a treed area, you get a sense of serotonin, of ease, your anxiety just kind of melts away, and you get the chance to enjoy the moment.

**Nicky**: You know, they're absolutely correct because there have been study after study after study that shows that being in nature, being surrounded by nature, whether it's a walk in the park or a 10-mile hike, whatever you choose to do has a healing effect. It's been proven to quiet anxiety, to help fight depression and it has physical benefits as well.

**Heide**: Everything from making your muscles stronger to improving your balance to clearing out your lungs if you live in the city. So yeah, today we really wanted to just explore why hiking is such a good viable option for women who want to travel, whether you're a seasoned hiker or you've never even considered going out on a trail.

So Nicky and I, I think we hike together at least several times a month.

**Nicky**: We have, and even for the new year, we went out in the cold.

**Heide**: Oh, yeah.

**Nicky**: On the mountain bike trail that was cold, that was really cold. And then we did mimosas after that was fun.

[Continued conversation about hiking basics and getting started]

[Discussion of Hiking Tips and Equipment]

**Heide**: So tell me about your group hikes. What's that like?

**Nicky**: Well, they are mixed. It's never the same group of people. Basically with the meetup, if there's something that you're interested in, you sign up, you show up and you hit the trail. I've only been able to go a handful of times because I skipped every summer hike. It was just too bloody hot. It would be 90 degrees by 7am. Just, that's just too hot for me. But the hikes would be a group of men and women, usually 30 and above, of all different ranges. I've been to two that have been very large groups of over 30 people. Usually you had a fast group and you had a slower group that kind of held back and you found your stride of where it was. Some people brought their pets to trails that allowed pets. And like you said, it was a great way to meet people, chat. One of my very favorite was a large group. I was in one of the slower groups of people and I met two ladies and we talked food for an hour and a half. It was glorious.

[Discussion continues through hiking safety, gear, and trail etiquette]

[Show Closing]

**Nicky**: All right. So ladies, we hope that helped. Again, whether you're rolling or folding or using compression cubes, a capsule wardrobe, like we suggested, is a tried and true method of looking cute but still having enough to stay warm and stay comfortable and stay adventurous on your next winter adventure.

**Heide**: And we hope you discover the joys of hiking as well.

**Nicky**: So until next time, I am Nicky Omohundro.

**Heide**: And I'm Heide Brandes.

**Both**: Pack your bags, or in this case, strap on your hiking boots, and go out and find your adventure. And remember, it's never too late to travel.

Thanks for joining us on another adventure with Untethered and Wanderwise. We hope today's episode has inspired you to pack your bags, step out of your comfort zone, and explore the world with confidence. Remember, it's never too late to start your next great journey. Until our paths cross again, keep dreaming big and traveling bold.

This is Heide Brandes and Nicky Omohundro, signing off.

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